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I grew up in Lake Tekapo, New Zealand, half-Kiwi and half-German. I have been privileged to have a life filled with adventure on both sides of the planet. A highlight was becoming the youngest person to summit Aoraki / Mt Cook at age 14 (guided by my father Gottlieb).

My many interests, ranging from Biochemistry to ski instructing, have converged in the multifaceted world of documentary filmmaking with a focus on our incredible natural world. I have over ten years' experience in editing natural history and adventure documentaries, and occasionally I enjoy shooting and directing.
My first adventure film,
Symphony on Skis, is a homage to my father's attitude towards mountaineering - it is not about conquering, rather a deep appreciation for the high places we are privileged to pass through. 

Career highlights include winning the Wildscreen Best Editing Award in 2012, being a Jury Panellist at the same festival four years later, being on the Jury twice at Tegernsee Mountain Film Festival, and being involved in three long-form cinema projects. 

My ambition is to combine the energy of nature, teamwork and creativity in whatever I do. 

Carla ascending Mt Lendenfeld. Photo credit: Keith Payne

Photo credit: Keith Payne

Filmography (Documentary)

2021-23*in post production

(3x50min; Shibumi Films / Terra Mater Factual Studios)

Editor, Media Management


2019-21 *in post production

(120min; Atara Film / Biodiversity Foundation)

Editor, Media Management



Die Wiese - Ein Paradies Nebenan /
The Meadow - Once Upon a Paradise

(89min; Nautilusfilm / Deutsche Wildtierstiftung / Polyband Media)
watch here




(27min, Katabatic Creative)
watch here

Editor, Additional Camera



Orangutan Jungle School (Ep 1 and 3)
(10x48min; NHNZ / Blue Ant Media / Smithsonian Networks)
watch here




Symphony on Skis
(60min, Atara film)
watch here

Director, Writer, Narrator, Editor, Camera

Winner of Audience Award and Special Jury Award at Tegernsee Mountain Film Festival 2017,

Audience Award at Berlin Down Under Festival 2018



Wildest New Zealand: Ep 5 Creepiest Crawlies
(48min, NHNZ / Blue Ant Media)
watch here




Big Pacific: Ep 5 Behind the Scenes
(53min, NHNZ / PBS / CCTV9 / ZDF Enterprises / Discovery International / Channel 9 / Arte)
watch here




Wild New Zealand: Earth's Mythical Islands
(3x60min, Atara FIlm / BBC / NDR)
watch here

Production Co-ordination, Research, Camera Assistance

Two international Emmy Awards nominations 2017 for Outstanding Cinematography: Documentary and Outstanding Narrator (Sam Neill),

Green Screen Festival 2017: Best Cinematography Award

Deutscher Naturfilmpreis 2017: Jury Award for Outstanding Cinematography



Geheimnisvoller Garten / The Backyard Jungle
(2x45min, Nautilusfilm / ARTE / NDR)
watch here


Part 1: Frühlingserwachen / Spring Awakening was awarded the Special Jury Award at Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival (Jackson Hole 2015).



Wildes Bayern / Wild Bavaria
(3x45min, Nautilusfilm / Bayerischer Rundfunk)
watch here




Unser Wald - Das Grüne Wunder / The Green Universe
(90min, Nautilusfilm / NDR Naturfilm / DocLights, NDR, Polyband Media) watch here


Panda Award for Best Editing at Wildscreen Film Festival (Bristol 2012), Gold World Medal Editing, New York Festivals (USA 2013), nominated for Best Editing at Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival (USA 2013).



Love in Cold Blood
(25min, student film) watch here

Editor, Co-Producer, Co-Director, Camera

Nominated for Panda Award for BBC Best Newcomer, Wildscreen (Bristol 2010).

Best New Zealand Film, Best New Zealand Emerging Talent, nominated for Best Short Film at Reel Earth Environmental Film Festival (New Zealand 2010).

Best Newcomer, Merit Awards for Narration and Script at 34th International Wildlife Film Festival in Missoula (USA 2011).


Academic Qualifications


Masters in Natural History Filmmaking & Science Communication (M.Sci Comm)
University of Otago

Visual storytelling and communication of science would turn out to be the perfect way to combine many of my interests - the natural world, being outdoors, critical thinking, and above all, creativity. 


Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biochemistry
University of Otago

I was fascinated by biochemical pathways, cause and effect, and loved getting into the tiny details of how DNA and proteins work. In my third year I spent one semester on exchange at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. My Honours project was Ice-Active Proteins from Cold Adapted Grasses, which I hoped would lead me to Antarctica (still pending).  

Outdoor Qualifications


Trainer C Skibergsteigen (Ski Mountaineering)
DAV (German Alpine Club), Sektion Berlin



Avalanche Safety Management Stage 1
NZ Mountain Safety Council



NZSIA Level One and Level Two Ski Instruction

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